We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants who joined us for the Super Hackathon. Your creativity, dedication, and innovative ideas have made this event a resounding success. The energy and enthusiasm you brought to the competition were truly inspiring!
Winner announcement 🏆
After much thought and careful consideration of all the innovative projects submitted, we are thrilled to announce that the judges have selected a winner who will receive $5,000.
The project that best solved our proposed challenge to simplify virtual interactions and boost user engagement and productivity with our Real-time communication solutions is: SuperViz Realtime Md.

Congratulations to Henrique Leme for his outstanding project, which impressed us with its capabilities to expand the usage of SuperViz to new tools like YJS and create a collaborative note-taking feature inside Obsidian. And on top of that: AI Transcript? ** chef's kiss 🤌 **
Integrations and compatibility with other technologies and platforms have been a priority of ours since the beginning, and this project proved how you can extend our platform and use our Real-Time technology in an innovative way.
Shout outs and honorable mentions
While we can only have one grand prize winner, we want to acknowledge the exceptional efforts of all participants. Here are some standout projects that caught our attention (in no particular order):
Tag! by Nick Gabe
An interactive multiplayer browser game that was well built, polished, and really funny! All judges were playing this for way too long. Gaming is an industry we are moving into, and Tag! demonstrated that our platform is ready to handle web-based multiplayer games. Thank you, Nick Gabe, for making this game!

InPulse by DOMinators team
A full application, using SuperViz Real-time to enable a sprint tracking board, chat and video conference! We were super pumped about the team being such an active participant of our Hackathon, giving feedback to us, hopping by our Discord server to gather the team developing and calling us to help. The love the enthusiasm, the effort and the DOMinators team's dedication.

We hope to see both Nick Gabe and the DOMinators team again on our next hackathon!
New hackathon is on the horizon
Missed the shot or want a second chance? Don’t miss the new hackathon that is scheduled for October! This is another chance for you to participate, showcase your skills, and potentially win exciting prizes! Stay tuned for more details about this opportunity to create groundbreaking solutions!